.. _grub_modules:


===== ==========================
date  display/set date/time
echo  display message
eval  expression evaluation
help  commands and args
sleep escape interruptible pause
test  if then else fi
true  true/false nop commands
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at_keyboard keyboard layouts handling for terminal_input
keylayouts  change keyboard layout
keystatus   test alt/ctrl/shift keys
read        variable until enter
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====== ========
halt   shutdown
reboot restart
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biosdisk  disks detection via bios
cpuid     check if cpu can handle 64 bit and/or PAE
lspci     list pci devices
videoinfo list video modes
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part_gpt   guid partition table partitions scheme
part_msdos master boot record partitions scheme
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=========== ================================================
btrfs       | better file system
exfat       | ms extended file allocation table file system
ext2        | linux file systems
fat         | ms file allocation table file system
hfs         | apple file system
hfspluscomp | apple extended file system with compression
iso9660     | older optical disk file system
ntfscomp    | ms new technology file system with compression
tar         | tar archive format handling
            | (for embedded fonts,locales,etc.)
udf         | optical disk file system
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search set root according to uuid/label/file
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cat         display file content
configfile  load different menu/script file
gcry_crc    crc hash algorithm
gcry_md5    md5 hash algorithm
gcry_sha1   sha1 hash algorithm
gcry_sha256 sha256 hash algorithm
gcry_sha512 sha512 hash algorithm
hashsum     hash file, needs gcry_ modules
loadenv     load and save menu environment file
testspeed   file loading benchmark
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loopback turn a file into a virtual device
memdisk  ram disk
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linux kernel & initial ram disk
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================== ===========================
gfxterm_background | color/image
                   | triggers graphic terminal
jpeg               | jpeg image format
png                | png image format
tga                | tga image format
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