SH_GIT_LOG_FORMAT="\ %C(auto)%h%d S %C(red)%GS A %C(green)%an %ae %C(green)%ai C %C(blue)%cn %ce %C(blue)%ci %B" # add to index ga() { sh_alias__git_add "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_add() { git \ add \ "${@}" } # add all to index gaa() { sh_alias__git_add_all "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_add_all() { git \ add \ --all \ "${@}" } # add parts of all to index gaap() { sh_alias__git_add_all_patch "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_add_all_patch() { git \ add \ --all \ --patch \ "${@}" } # add parts to index gap() { sh_alias__git_add_patch "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_add_patch() { git \ add \ --patch \ "${@}" } # create a branch gb() { sh_alias__git_branch "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_branch() { git \ branch \ "${@}" } # delete a branch gbd() { sh_alias__git_branch_delete "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_branch_delete() { git \ branch \ --delete \ "${@}" } # force a branch deletion gbdf() { sh_alias__git_branch_delete_force "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_branch_delete_force() { git \ branch \ --delete \ --force \ "${@}" } # list branches gbl() { sh_alias__git_branch_list "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_branch_list() { git \ branch \ --all \ --list \ --verbose \ --verbose \ "${@}" } # set the link to a remote branch from a local branch gbsu() { sh_alias__git_branch_set_upstream "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_branch_set_upstream() { git \ branch \ --set-upstream-to \ "${@}" } # switch to a branch or checkout file(s) from a commit gc() { sh_alias__git_checkout "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_checkout() { git \ checkout \ "${@}" } # checkout an orphan branch gco() { sh_alias__git_checkout_orphan "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_checkout_orphan() { git \ checkout \ --orphan \ "${@}" } # pick a commit gcp() { sh_alias__git_cherry_pick "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_cherry_pick() { git \ cherry-pick \ "${@}" } # abort the commit pick gcpa() { sh_alias__git_cherry_pick_abort "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_cherry_pick_abort() { git \ cherry-pick \ --abort \ "${@}" } # continue the commit pick gcpc() { sh_alias__git_cherry_pick_continue "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_cherry_pick_continue() { git \ cherry-pick \ --continue \ "${@}" } # clean untracked files gcf() { sh_alias__git_clean_force "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_clean_force() { git \ clean \ -d \ --force \ "${@}" } # redo the last commit with a different message gcam() { sh_alias__git_commit_amend_message "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_commit_amend_message() { git \ commit \ --amend \ --message \ "${@}" } # make a root commit gcem() { sh_alias__git_commit_empty_message "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_commit_empty_message() { git \ commit \ --allow-empty \ --allow-empty-message \ --message \ "${@}" } # commit the index gcm() { sh_alias__git_commit_message "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_commit_message() { git \ commit \ --message \ "${@}" } # configure the user email gcue() { sh_alias__git_config_user_email "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_config_user_email() { git \ config \ "" \ "${@}" } # configure the user name gcun() { sh_alias__git_config_user_name "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_config_user_name() { git \ config \ "" \ "${@}" } # differences from last or between commits gd() { sh_alias__git_diff "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_diff() { git \ diff \ "${@}" } # display what is indexed in cache gdc() { sh_alias__git_diff_cached "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_diff_cached() { git \ diff \ --cached \ "${@}" } # indexed character-level differences gdcw() { sh_alias__git_diff_cached_word "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_diff_cached_word() { git \ diff \ --cached \ --word-diff-regex "." \ "${@}" } # differences via external tool gdt() { sh_alias__git_diff_tool "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_diff_tool() { git \ difftool \ --dir-diff \ "${@}" } # character-level differences gdw() { sh_alias__git_diff_word "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_diff_word() { git \ diff \ --word-diff-regex "." \ "${@}" } # fetch from the remote repository gf() { sh_alias__git_fetch "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_fetch() { git \ fetch \ --tags \ --verbose \ "${@}" } # fetch from remote repository and prune local orphan branches gfp() { sh_alias__git_fetch_prune "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_fetch_prune() { sh_alias__git_fetch \ --prune \ "${@}" } # garbage collect all orphan commits ggc() { sh_alias__git_garbage_collect "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_garbage_collect() { git \ reflog \ expire \ --all \ --expire "all" && git \ gc \ --aggressive \ --prune="now" } # initialize a new repository gi() { sh_alias__git_init "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_init() { git \ init \ "${@}" } # initialize a new bare repository gib() { sh_alias__git_init_bare "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_init_bare() { git \ init \ --bare \ "${@}" } # log history gl() { sh_alias__git_log "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_log() { git \ log \ --abbrev=8 \ --abbrev-commit \ --format="${SH_GIT_LOG_FORMAT}" \ --graph \ "${@}" } # log all history gla() { sh_alias__git_log_all "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_log_all() { sh_alias__git_log \ --all \ "${@}" } # log all history with patches glap() { sh_alias__git_log_all_patch "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_log_all_patch() { sh_alias__git_log \ --all \ --patch \ "${@}" } # log history with patches glp() { sh_alias__git_log_patch "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_log_patch() { sh_alias__git_log \ --patch \ "${@}" } # fast-forward merge to remote branch gm() { sh_alias__git_merge "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_merge() { git \ merge \ --ff-only \ "${@}" } # abort the current merge commit gma() { sh_alias__git_merge_abort "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_merge_abort() { git \ merge \ --abort \ "${@}" } # do a merge commit gmc() { sh_alias__git_merge_commit "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_merge_commit() { git \ merge \ --no-ff \ --message \ "${@}" } # squash a branch and index its modifications gms() { sh_alias__git_merge_squash "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_merge_squash() { git \ merge \ --squash \ "${@}" } # merge via external tool gmt() { sh_alias__git_merge_tool "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_merge_tool() { git \ mergetool \ "${@}" } # push to the remote repository gp() { sh_alias__git_push "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_push() { git \ push \ --tags \ --verbose \ "${@}" } # delete from the remote repository gpd() { sh_alias__git_push_delete "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_push_delete() { git \ push \ --delete \ "${@}" } # force the push to the remote repository gpf() { sh_alias__git_push_force "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_push_force() { sh_alias__git_push \ --force \ "${@}" } # rebase current branch onto another grb() { sh_alias__git_re_base "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_re_base() { git \ rebase \ "${@}" } # abort current rebase grba() { sh_alias__git_re_base_abort "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_re_base_abort() { git \ rebase \ --abort \ "${@}" } # continue current rebase grbc() { sh_alias__git_re_base_continue "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_re_base_continue() { git \ rebase \ --continue \ "${@}" } # force rebase without fast-forward grbf() { sh_alias__git_re_base_force "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_re_base_force() { git \ rebase \ --force-rebase \ "${@}" } # rebase interactively grbi() { sh_alias__git_re_base_interactive "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_re_base_interactive() { git \ rebase \ --interactive \ "${@}" } # add a new remote repository grma() { sh_alias__git_re_mote_add "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_re_mote_add() { git \ remote \ add \ "${@}" } # list remote repositories grml() { sh_alias__git_re_mote_list "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_re_mote_list() { git \ remote \ --verbose \ "${@}" } # set the location of a remote repository grmsu() { sh_alias__git_re_mote_set_upstream "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_re_mote_set_upstream() { git \ remote \ set-url \ "${@}" } # show connection to a remote repository grms() { sh_alias__git_re_mote_show "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_re_mote_show() { git \ remote \ show \ "${@}" } # remove and add removal to index grm() { sh_alias__git_re_move "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_re_move() { git \ rm \ "${@}" } # remove file(s) from index or move current branch pointer grs() { sh_alias__git_re_set "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_re_set() { git \ reset \ "${@}" } # wipe modifications or reset current branch to another commit grsh() { sh_alias__git_re_set_hard "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_re_set_hard() { git \ reset \ --hard \ "${@}" } # show a commit gsc() { sh_alias__git_show_commit "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_show_commit() { git \ show \ "${@}" } # current state of repository gs() { sh_alias__git_status "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_status() { git \ status \ --untracked-files="all" \ "${@}" } # tag a commit gt() { sh_alias__git_tag "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_tag() { git \ tag \ "${@}" } # delete a tag gtd() { sh_alias__git_tag_delete "${@}"; } sh_alias__git_tag_delete() { git \ tag \ --delete \ "${@}" }